Midwest Convict Register
The Convict Database includes details of approximately 2500 men who arrived in the Victoria District now known as the Mid West District of Western Australia. Some arrived as Probationer Prisoners and were located at the Geraldton Convict Hiring Depot or as members of road parties creating the infrastructure of the district. Ticket of Leave men (parolees) became the working force while others who had almost completed their original sentences were granted more freedoms to move within and between districts.
Further information about individuals and family stories are welcome, no longer than 20 pages. Some profiles have stories attached as a downloadable PDF. We would appreciate any additions or corrections to the data however, proof must be provided before any changes can be made.
We acknowledge that the spelling of an individual’s name may vary and often name changes have occurred and each profile has an individual reference section with Primary and Secondary sources.
Erickson, R. & O’Mara G.: Convicts in Western Australia 1850 – 1887; Dictionary of Western Australia Volume IX, 1994 was used for each entry before primary documents were sourced to confirm the information.
Please read the Disclaimer and Conditions of Use before searching by Surname or Other Name.
For further enquiries regarding your convict ancestor please email us at convicts@midwestwaheritage.com
Click HERE to search the convict register
Research and compilation: Diane Evans
Data Entry: Diane Evans, Jenny MacKay, Karen Yates
Midwest Deaths Register Database Developer: (c) Graham Grundy, 2020
Website developers: Graham Grundy and Jenny MacKay